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Fishing Vessels in St. Johns oil and gas

Fishing Industry

Newfoundland and Labrador’s offshore oil industry works to develop positive, collaborative relationships with the fishing industry through effective communication and engagement. The fishing industry is consulted as part of the environmental assessment process and communications strategies are built into project planning to ensure the fishing industry is aware of ongoing offshore activity. The fishing industry is also advised of specific programs, like marine seismic surveys, through direct communication, communiqués with unions and committees, public service announcements in local media, and Notices to Mariners/Shipping.

The offshore oil industry in Newfoundland and Labrador partnered with the fishing industry to establish One Ocean, an organization created to promote mutual understanding between these two vital industries and their common marine environment. The One Ocean model is unique to the world, providing a valuable forum for two important industries operating in the marine environment to come together collaboratively and proactively. One Ocean coordinates a variety of joint initiatives for the two industries.

The offshore oil industry engages a Fisheries Liaison Officer during certain marine operations such as marine seismic surveys, to communicate directly between the fishing and petroleum industries. Stationed on board the operation vessel, the Fisheries Liaison Officer communicates details of the marine operation with fish harvesters while also relaying fishers’ activities. This inter-industry information exchange reduces potential at-sea conflicts, such as entanglement or gear damage.

In the event that oil industry activity does result in damage to fishing gear, vessels, or other equipment of the fishing industry, programs have been established to provide compensation to fish harvesters and/or aquaculturists. In the event that the damage is attributable to a specific operator, individual operators have established their own fisheries compensation programs as a potential route fish harvesters can use to obtain compensation. In the event that an operator is not known but the damage is proven to have been caused by upstream oil and natural gas activities, CAPP administers a program to provide compensation to those impacted.

Marine Seismic Surveys


Atlantic Canada Offshore Safety Share