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Research and Publications

CAPP publications are for members and anyone interested in Canada’s oil and natural gas industry. CAPP reviews and archives publications, if you have any questions related to publications please email [email protected].

Indigenous Engagement and ESG Report

Indigenous Engagement and ESG highlights many examples of successful interaction between Indigenous peoples and the oil and natural gas sector to grow resource development in a sustainable and mutually beneficial manner.


ESG Emissions Methodology

This appendix for Canada’s Natural Gas and Oil Emissions: Ongoing Reductions, Demonstrable Improvement, details how the intensities could be calculated to fairly show differences in corporate choices and environmental social governance (ESG).


An Introduction to Oil Sands Pit Lakes

An Introduction to Oil Sands Pit Lakes is an introductory document intended to provide information related to pit lakes associated with oil sands mining operations in Alberta.


Managing Methane Emissions for Natural Gas and Oil Development, 2021

Canada’s oil and natural gas industry recognizes that climate change is one of the great challenges facing the world. Methane emissions contribute to greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). That’s why reducing methane emissions from all sources is an important way to tackle the climate change challenge.


British Columbia’s Oil and Natural Gas Industry, 2020

British Columbia has produced both natural gas and crude oil since 1952. Innovations have led the industry to focus on the development of unconventional natural gas regions in Northeast B.C. Development of these significant resources provides British Columbians with a variety of economic benefits.


Oilfield Waste Profile Sheets Guide

The Oilfield Waste Profile Sheets contained in this guide have been prepared to assist upstream petroleum industry operators with the classification and handling of common industry wastes. The waste profile sheet information is provided as general industry guidance.
